Data Science for Healthcare Laboratory (DASH)


Dr. Tanvi Banerjee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Wright State University and a secondary appointment at the Department of Geriatrics at the Boonshoft School of Medicine. Her research involves multimodal data fusion, machine learning, computer vision, and mobile healthcare technologies. Before joining WSU as a tenure-track faculty, Dr. Banerjee was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and a Research Assistant Professor at the Kno.e.sis center at Wright State University. She has been a recipient of the prestigious K01 grant awarded by NIH (equivalent to the CAREER pathway in NSF) for the project on Dementia Management using smartphone technologies and a co-investigator in the NIH R01 funded Sickle Cell Disease project with Drs. Danny Abrams and Nirmish Shah. She is also involved in the APEX project with Dr. Mike Raymer, and a materials study project funded by the Department of Energy alongside Dr. Joy Gockel.

Her goal is to bridge the gap between clinical knowledge and data-driven understanding from a patient's behavioral and biophysical information through the use of non-invasive sensing technologies. More details on the project will follow soon. For more details, please take a look at her cv here.

    Dr. Banerjee received her Master's degree and her Ph.D. from University of Missouri in 2014. From 2008 to 2014, as a member of CERT (Center for Eldercare and Rehabilitation Technology), she worked as a research assistant and a graduate instructor for the NSF HCC project. Her PhD thesis focused on the detection of activities of daily living and sedentary behavior patterns in older adults using depth imagery. 

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