Biomedical, Industrial, and Human Factors Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Industrial and Systems Engineering

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Why Choose Industrial and Systems Engineering?

Industrial and Systems Engineering student Alexis Ellis
Industrial and Systems Engineering student Shelby Holzapfel

Industrial and systems engineers work in one of the broadest fields of engineering. Industrial engineers are sometimes called “productivity people” and “efficiency experts”—when it comes to quality control, you are the pro.

Your studies in industrial and systems engineering (ISE) focus on doing more with less—doing things better, cheaper, faster, more safely, and with less waste. Instead of designing bridges, machines, or circuits, industrial engineers will engineer all parts of a process—people, machines, materials, information, and energy—to make a product or provide a service.

Three separate curricula are available:

  • The general track includes more traditional engineering fundamental courses
  • The humans and systems and applied systems tracks are an interdisciplinary approach to ISE that prepares you to use systems principles and engineering concepts. These tracks include business and psychology courses.

All ISE curricula are ABET-accredited and prepare you for a successful career.

Career Prospects

Explore the latest employment and wage data for Industrial and Systems Engineering.


Industrial engineers are employed in diverse work environments, including aerospace, healthcare, banking, manufacturing, defense, energy, technology, retail, and transportation. Depending on your specialization, you could find yourself working to reduce wait times in amusement parks, designing systems for self-driving cars, designing layouts for manufacturing plants, or improving safety for patients and workers in hospitals.

With their versatile skills, industrial and systems engineers can work in nearly any industry or organization, including government agencies, healthcare, and consulting firms.

Our graduates are employed by:

  • ADVICS Manufacturing Ohio, Inc.
  • Crown Equipment
  • Enginetics
  • Golfstream Aerospace Corp.
  • Hobart Corp.
  • Inteva Products
  • Mancor
  • Navistar
  • NDC Technologies
  • Norwood Medical
  • NuVasive
  • Pacific Manufacturing
  • Tenneco
  • Winsupply

Our Graduates work as:

  • Human Factors Engineer
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Product Development Engineer
  • Production Engineer
  • Quality Engineer
  • Supply Chain Engineer

It's never too earlyor too late—to start managing your career in engineering. Learn more about the Brandeberry Career Development Center.

Real-World Experience

We encourage you to apply skills learned in the classroom through study abroad, undergraduate research, co-op/internships, and/or service learning. You will learn from qualified professionals who actively work in the field of industrial and systems engineering and work on industrial and systems engineering projects, allowing you to apply your classroom education to real-world situations.

Success Stories

Nicholas Ballester used his two engineering degrees from Wright State to land a job with a company founded and run by medical doctors.

“Getting into research in Industrial and Systems Engineering has given me a wide range of experience that has taught me real-world applications and help me intern as a supply chair/ERP analyst right after my sophomore year. I can’t wait to join the 4+1 program and receive my M.S. in one year, all paid for.”

Academics and Curriculum

View the Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering program information, degree requirements, and graduation planning strategy in the Academic Catalog.


Review the admission requirements and complete the admission application. Identify your desired major on the application. If you meet university admission requirements, you are admitted to the college. 

If you are a current student and wish to change majors, submit a Major/Minor Change Request by logging in to WINGS, then select Student Academics under Your Launchpad. If you are an undecided/exploratory student, talk to your advisor about majoring in industrial systems and engineering.

Accreditation and Program Outcomes

The Bachelor of Science program in Industrial and Systems Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria, the Program Criteria for Industrial and Similarly Named Engineering Programs, and the Program Criteria for Systems and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

ABET Accreditation

ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission logo

Annual Student Enrollment: 37 in Fall 24

Graduation Data: 5 Summer 23-Spring 24

Program Educational Objectives:

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the BS in Industrial and Systems Engineering program are for the graduates to attain the following within a few years of graduation.  Our graduates:

  1. Have worked successfully in an engineering or related field, leading to advancement and opportunities for greater responsibility or increased level of skill.
  2. Have expanded their knowledge and capabilities by adapting to evolving technology and workforce needs through sustained learning applicable to the discipline through self-study, professional training programs, and graduate education.
  3. Have created engineering solutions and put engineering principles into practice, while successfully leading, managing, or working in diverse and cross-functional teams.
  4. Have demonstrated ongoing consideration of engineering work ethics and professionalism consistent with societal and environmental needs.
  5. Inspire and serve as mentors for the next generation of engineers

Student Outcomes:

The following student outcomes of the industrial and systems engineering program will prepare graduates to attain the program educational objectives:

  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  • an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  • an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which most consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  • an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  • an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgement to draw conclusions
  • an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies

Take the Next Step

Finding the right college means finding the right fit. See all that the College of Engineering and Computer Science has to offer by visiting campus.