Employers have several options for building their brand on campus. Here are a few examples.
Recruiting, Interviewing, and Posting a Position
We believe Wright State students and graduates are some of the best candidates an employer can hire. Our goal is to connect you with students that will make a difference in your organization. We strive to build lasting relationships that are beneficial to all parties. We suggest the following in order to recruit our students and build awareness of your organization:
- Attend fall and spring career fairs
- Post internship and job opportunities on our page and with Wright State University Career Services
- Target specific student groups for job openings. Contact our office with a job opening and the necessary qualifications and we will forward the opportunity to the appropriate students.
- Recruit and interview on campus! For more information, please contact the Brandeberry Career Development Center at mariann.boron@wright.edu.
You are encouraged to visit campus, review information about internships and co-ops, use employer resources, and review employer guidelines.
Recruit Raiders
Volunteer Instructors for EGR 1900: Exploring Engineering Internships
You can play a crucial role in preparing our students for excellence by volunteering and participating in a number of employer programs. This course prepares Engineering and Computer Science students for their internship/career search through resume and cover letter creation, networking, and interviewing etiquette.
EGR 1900 provides your organization with direct access to future talent. Options include:
- Present directly to this small, discussion-based class.
- Volunteer as an interviewee for student research.
- Conduct mock interviews.
Contact us to connect with students.
More Ways to Build Your Brand On Campus
Check out these free and low-cost opportunities to build your brand on campus:
- Information Sessions—Talk about your company, industry, and what you do. We will provide your organization with a table to display your company literature in the heart of the college— the Russ Lobby.
- Resume Critiques—Held every Friday afternoon, this opportunity will allow you to give back to the college while interacting with potential candidates.
- Coffee Talks—The opportunity for you to talk about your company, industry, and what you do. Partner with Reynolds Espresso Lane and use space in the student lounge to capture your targeted audience.
- Classroom Presentations—We welcome guest lecturers for our Introduction to Internships course. Share your knowledge and expectations with future talent.
- Mock Interviews—Assist students with their interviewing skills.
- On-campus Interviews—Let us do the work for you. We will promote your openings and establish an interviewing schedule on your behalf.
- Student Clubs—Speak directly to the students in majors that interest you.
- College Events—Consider sponsoring campus activities such as Engineering Week, Hackathon, and Women in STEMM.
- Guest Judging—We are seeking volunteers to judge our annual senior design showcase.
- Join our LinkedIn Group—This closed group is exclusive for CECS students, alumni, and employers. Join or visit the group.
Interested in customizing your recruiting program? Contact Mariann Boron, director of the Brandeberry Career Development Center to learn more at 937-775-4491.