World-renowned HVACR company Emerson Climate Technologies is a valued corporate partner of the Wright State Brandeberry Career Development Center and popular internship spot for Wright State College of Engineering and Computer Science students. Emerson is known for its global engineering, design, distribution, installation, and monitoring capabilities and provides reliable, energy efficient climate systems for a variety of applications.
Known for its emphasis on technology and innovation, Emerson has brought on several Wright State students as interns, which has proved to be a beneficial experience on for everyone involved.
Emerson supervisor Shawn Vehr reports that recent Wright State intern Abram Yorde, in particular, has done a nice job in applying his coursework to his work and has demonstrated quick learning and the ability to apply new concepts with minimal guidance. Vehr recognizes the challenges of being an intern, and states, “Although some of [Yorde’s] projects have been tedious at times, he still brings a positive attitude to work and continually turns in high-quality work.” In fact, Vehr declares that they have been so pleased with the quality of the Wright State mechanical engineering students that they have recently hired several Wright State students on as full-time employees.