Materials Resources LLC (MRL) is a pioneer in microstructure-informed additive manufacturing and integration of data science with simulation and state of the art characterization to address materials challenges in aerospace and defense industry. MRL activities are geared towards the implementation of Industry 4.0 concepts in metal laser powder bed additive manufacturing, microstructure characterization, mechanical testing, innovative high-throughput heat treatment, and fatigue life predictions. As an innovator in manufacturing and characterization of metallic alloys, MRL is active in developing new techniques and designing new equipment to move materials testing and characterization forward. In support of these efforts, MRL reached out to Wright State to look for talented students with a background in electrical engineering to work alongside our team of mechanical and materials engineers, computer scientists, and technicians and assist with testing and integration of microcontroller-based systems.
Based on our semester experience with Shehap, the program seems to be doing a good job in developing electrical engineering talent to be able to work through a design/systems integration process methodically and with a solid understanding of electrical engineering concepts. Based on our time with Shehap, as well as other interaction with Wright State Engineering students, they seem to possess an enthusiasm to learn and humility to be taught, which are invaluable traits for someone entering the workforce with an undergraduate engineering education, along with the expected technical skills. Our experience with Shehap through this semester has been entirely positive, though I also think that his attitude, work ethic, and engineering acumen are well above average.
We have been very impressed with Shehap, and the list of ways in which we believe we can help to engage and develop his skills grows almost daily. As such, we will be happy to have him continue with us as his coursework allows and we will continue to help him work towards his educational and professional goals.