Why Study Engineering and Computer Science at Wright State?
You see the problems of the world around you and want to help solve them.
You know that advancing important technology is a key to helping people find those solutions.
You want to train for a rewarding career that will give you the opportunity to make that type of impact.
And, you want to experience learning at an affordable university that offers a campus culture where everyone gets a chance to succeed.
Wright State University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science is exactly that kind of place.
Discovery and Innovation
We are big enough to offer you the degrees you want, but small enough to provide a personal connection with professors who know you and care about your vision for the future. And, Wright State has one of the lowest tuition rates among all Ohio public universities.
- Be confident in the quality of your ABET-accredited education.
- Benefit from our student support services, then pay it forward by working as a peer mentor.
- Enjoy valuable and fun networking and leadership opportunities by joining one of our nearly 20 engineering-related student organizations.
- Find assistance for a variety of courses in our dedicated help rooms.
- Help pay for college through scholarships, internships, campus employment, and paid research.
- Earn your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in five years with our 4+1 programs.
- Thrive in our inclusive culture—a great atmosphere for international students (and everyone else).
Undergraduate Majors
- Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical engineers create some of the world’s most important medical breakthroughs. Become a part of exciting new advances in engineering and medicine. Wright State offers traditional and pre-med concentrations.
- Computer Engineering: Computer engineers make devices smarter, smaller, more efficient, and more connected. You will learn to design and integrate software with hardware and how microprocessors, networks, and sensors communicate and interact.
- Computer Science, B.A. or B.S.: Learn to create new algorithms and software systems that will change our world. Breakthroughs enabled by computer scientists are also one reason they command among the highest salaries among technical professionals.
- Electrical Engineering: Find your niche in multimedia, telecommunications, electric power, signal processing, and control systems to create smart phones, laptops, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth peripherals, sound processing, video coding—the whole internet of things. Prepare for a career in a field with high salaries and high job growth anywhere in the country.
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology: Gain a comprehensive skill set in programming as well as electrical and computer engineering as you become involved in the design, development, and sustainment of technology and the business of leading-edge technology.
- Industrial and Systems Engineering: Industrial and systems engineering focuses on efficiency, quality assurance, and cost effectiveness—how to do more with less. You will be prepared to work in nearly any industry or organization, including government and healthcare agencies.
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity: You will earn a degree that gives you the technical foundation to address one of the most important problems on the planet by learning about the vulnerabilities now present in software and devices and how to protect them.
- Materials Science and Engineering: Take fascinating classes in additive manufacturing (3D printing), powder processing, metal forming, nano-manufacturing, turbo machinery, mechanical design, and structural analysis, among others.
- Mechanical Engineering: You can study heat, fluids, and energy, or focus on force and motion in mechanical systems, such as determining robot trajectories. Mechanical engineers design cars and airplanes, jet and rocket engines, robotics, and machinery.
The Place for Real-World Experiences
At Wright State, you will live and study in a region known for its spirit of innovation. Our university is named after two of the world’s greatest innovators—Wilbur and Orville Wright, who created the first airplane and changed the world.
You will find incredible opportunities in the Dayton area for research, internships, and other real-world learning experiences—opportunities unique to our area that you won’t find at other universities. And, after you graduate, you will appreciate how potential employers in engineering-related businesses value Wright State graduates.
- Enjoy unique, hands-on research opportunities in cutting-edge technologies, even as an undergraduate.
- Connect with regional industry leaders for internships and employment through our Brandeberry Career Development Center.
- Expand your opportunities for internships and experiential learning by taking advantage of our connections with local industry and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.