I am a Ph.D. EE student in the area of power electronics. Technology is growing rapidly, as we speak, and there are so many unsolved problems in the discipline of electrical engineering. Power electronics is used in every gadget we see around us and this field is evergreen. Moreover, it is very motivating to see major breakthroughs in this area especially in medical, aerospace, and automobile sectors. It is also an honor to conduct research under Prof. Marian Kazimierczuk, a renowned scientist in the field of power electronics. I been given the opportunity by my advisor Prof. Kazimierczuk to hone my skills in various fields of power electronics including high-frequency magnetics, power amplifiers, wireless energy transfer, and power conversion. My core research is based on the design and modeling of a high voltage step-up power supply. This topology has immense potential to work as an efficient power supply in areas including renewable energy sources, automobile power distribution systems, and back-up power supplies. My work contributes majorly in applications, where space, cost, and carbon footprint are major constraints.
Last summer I interned at Google located at California, USA. I worked on the Power Systems team that focused on the development of electric architecture for data center power supplies.
I enjoy studying at Wright State. I feel at home. The faculty are excellent. The staff are extremely friendly and helpful. Wright State is a perfect launch-pad for engineers and scientists to achieve their goals.