Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Research

On this page:

Biomedical Informatics

Bioinformatics advances fundamental concepts in molecular biology, biochemistry, and computer science to help further understanding of basic DNA, genes, and protein structures it relates to mechanisms for drug development and treatment of diseases.

Current Research Projects

  • Metabolomics and toxicology
  • Trends in molecular evolution
  • Automation of forensic DNA analysis
  • Indexing genomic databases
  • Stochastic reaction modeling
  • Search optimization
  • National model for bioinformatics education
  • Disease analysis

Biomed Imaging and Visualization

Biomedical imaging and visualization research has become a very active research field during the last two decades, offering unique solutions for a great variety of biological and biomedical problems. Analysis and visualization of medical images facilitates diagnosis and treatment planning. Visualization systems used as surgical navigation systems enable precise and minimally invasive surgery.

Current Research Projects

  • Image registration in surgical navigation
  • Segmentation of MR and CT images for spinal surgery
  • Design of a surgical robot assistance for biopsy
  • Detection and visualization of brain shift during brain surgery
  • Automated endoscopic imaging
  • EEG+fMRI Modeling of the Brain
  • Ultrasound Modeling of Human organs (heart, liver)
  • Bio-signatures of in-vivo cells



Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a major step toward organizing all aspects of computation as a public utility service. It embraces concepts such as software as a service and platform as a service, including services for workflow facilities, application design and development, deployment and hosting services, data integration, and management of software. The cloud platform increases in importance as our industry makes the phase change from in-house data management to cloud-hosted data management to improve efficiency and focus on core businesses. However, like any new technology, there are formidable problems, from performance issues to security and privacy, from metadata management to massively parallel execution.

This is a major part of the Kno.e.sis Research Center.

Current Research Projects

  • Cloud infrastructure for data management
  • Privacy and security in cloud data management
  • Cloud-based mining and learning algorithms
  • Cloud support for text mining and web search
  • Large-scale natural language modeling and translation
  • Parallel and distributed algorithms for bioinformatics
  • Performance evaluation and benchmarking


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Wright State University recently received a grant, titled "REU Site: Cybersecurity Research at Wright State University", from the National Science Foundation. This NSF REU site offers a ten-week summer program that aims at providing a diverse group of motivated undergraduates with competitive research experiences in cyber-security research. A variety of projects will be offered in Network Security, Intrusion Detection, Wireless Sensor Network Security, Internet Malware Detection, Analysis, and Mitigation, Software Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Discovery, and Privacy-Preserving Data Mining. More information of this REU Site can be found at  

In addition there are two ongoing projects sponsored by DARPA and ONR for Deepfake techniques, Deep Understanding of Technical Documents, and Computer Security (like memory attacks).


Research Labs

Related Programs

Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems are jointly physical and computational and are characterized by complex loops of cause and effect between the computational and physical components. We focus on the creation of methods by which such systems can self-adapt to repair damage and exploit opportunities and methods by which we can explain and understand how they operate even after having diverged from their original forms. Our current application area the creation of control systems for insect-like flapping-wing air vehicles that repair themselves, in flight, after suffering wing damage.

Databases and Data Mining

Data mining is the process of extracting useful knowledge from a database. Data mining facilitates the characterization, classification, clustering, and searching of different databases, including text data, image and video data, and bioinformatics data for various applications. Text, multimedia, and bioinformatics databases are very large and so parallel/distributed data mining is essential for scalable performance.

Current Research Projects

  • Parallel/distributed data mining
  • Text/image clustering and categorization
  • Metadata for timelining events
  • XML database
  • Data warehousing
  • Biological/medical data mining


Research Labs

Data Science and Analytics

Mathematical, statistical, and graphical methods for exploring large and complex data sets.  Methods include statistical pattern recognition, multivariate data analysis, classifiers, modeling and simulation, and scientific visualization.

Multimedia Systems and Apps

Multimedia systems offer synergistic and integrated solutions to a great variety of applications related to multi-modality data, such as automatic target recognition, surveillance, tracking human behavior, etc.

Current Research Projects

  • Object recognition in digital images and video
  • Multimedia content classification and indexing
  • Integrated search and retrieval in multimedia repositories
  • Background elimination in live video
  • Modeling and visualization
  • Biometrics and cyber security
  • Network and security visualization

Semantic, Social and Sensor Webs

The World Wide Web contains rapidly growing amount of enterprise, social, device/sensor/IoT/WoT data in unstructured, semistructured and structured forms. The Semantic Web initiative by the World Wide Web consortium (W3C) of which Wright State University is a member (represented by Kno.e.sis) has developed standards and technologies to associate meaning to data, to make data more machine and human understandable, and to apply reasoning techniques for intelligent processing leading to actionable information, insights, and discovery. Kno.e.sis has one of the largest academic groups in the US in Semantic Web, and its applications for better use and analysis of social and sensor data.

This is a major part of the Kno.e.sis Research Center.

Current Research Projects

  • Computer assisted document interpretation tools
  • Information extraction from semi-structured documents
  • Metadata for timelining events
  • Semantic Web knowledge representation
  • Semantic sensor web
  • Linked and Big Data

Research Labs

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning and artificial intelligence aim to develop computer systems that exhibit intelligent behavior in decision making, object recognition, planning, learning, and other applications that require intelligent assessment of complex information.  Our faculty apply modern tools such as deep neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, statistical inference, topological analysis, and graphical inference models to a wide variety of problems from engineering, science, and medicine.

Current Research Projects

  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Intelligent agents
  • Natural language understanding
  • Evolutionary algorithms and evolvable hardware
  • Autonomous robotic systems
  • Machine learning
  • Fuzzy and neural systems
  • Intelligent control systems
  • Deep Neural Networks
  • Sparse algorithms for biomarker selection from Omics data
  • Generative AI fo low sample size biological data
  • Dimensionality reduction and visualization
  • Data modelling using convex, non-convex(ANN), and eigen decomposition
  • Clustering
  • Subspace and graph learning

Wireless Networking and Security

Wireless communication and networking have revolutionized the way people communicate. Currently, there are more than two billion cellular telephone subscribers worldwide. Wireless local area networks have become a necessity in many parts of the globe. With new wireless enabled applications being proposed every day, such as wireless sensor networks, telemedicine, music telepresence, and intelligent web, the potential of this discipline is just being unleashed.

Current Research Projects

  • Ultra-high speed optical network
  • Wireless sensor network
  • Music telepresence
  • Cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access
  • Secure protocol and secure processors authentication
  • Cyber-physical systems
  • Network coding


Research Labs


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