Computer Science and Engineering

Department News

Dec 14, 2015
Screenshot from Microsoft Academic Search.

The World Wide Web (WWW or the Web) has been one of the most important high-tech areas. Today’s biggest corporations such as Google and Facebook are all poised in unique positions because they make the Web more useful and provide new functions. In this important area, did you know our own Wright State University ranks among the top 10 in the World based on 10-year research impact?


On Microsoft Academic Search (MAS), a service developed by Microsoft which continuously analyzes...

Dec 14, 2015
Team members (Sep., 2015), from left to right - Siva Kumar, Hussein Al-Olimat, Riccardo Tommasini, Prof. Valerie L. Shalin, Prof. Amit Sheth, Prof. Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Dr. Tanvi Banerjee, Pavan Kapanipathi, Sarasi Lalithsena.

The objective of the recently awarded NSF project Social and Physical Sensing Enabled Decision Support for Disaster Management and Response is to use physical and social data to improve situational awareness during natural disasters. Prof. Sheth and his students at the Kno.e.sis center  working on this project sprung to action during recent...

Nov 20, 2015
Wright State University researchers are developing new software that can detect cyberbullying. The new software can search social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, and detect messages that may be offensive or hurtful — and then alert the person who’s being targeted. …
Nov 16, 2015

The three top teams from our ACM programming contest competed in the 2015 East Central NA Regional Contest on October 31, 2015. They were up against teams from Ohio State University, Miami University, and Purdue University among others.

Overall our teams held their own. The Wright Team consisting of Paul Fuchs, Aidan Cole, and Josh Childers along with The Irish Wristwatches consisting of Matthew Hangen, Matthew Weber, and Anthony Botting were tied for 6th place. This put...

Nov 13, 2015
In the picture: Raghava Mutharaju, David Carral, Amit Joshi, Pascal Hitzler, Adila Krisnadh, Michelle Cheatham, Reihaneh Amini

Seven members of the Data Semantics Lab – Reihaneh AminiDavid CarralMichelle CheathamPascal HitzlerAmit JoshiAdila...

Nov 10, 2015
Researchers at Wright State's Kno.e.sis center are developing computer technology to analyze social media posts in an effort to identify and reduce cyberbullying.
Sep 2, 2015
Wright State recognizes select faculty members for excellent work in the classroom, research, community engagement, professional service and early career achievement.
Aug 19, 2015
Thomas Sudkamp will serve as Wright State's chief academic officer with the title provost and vice president for curriculum and instruction, and Mark Polatajko has been named chief operating officer and vice president of business and finance.
Aug 4, 2015
Mike Raymer, professor of computer science and engineering, is the latest engineering researcher to join the so-called "Barn Gang" at the Dayton Engineers Club.
May 14, 2015
Courses offered at Wright State give students a chance to indulge in a mind-expanding, creative exploration across various fields of study.


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